Otvaranje 18. Internacionalnog bienalnog festivala portreta, INTERBIFEP, biće upriličeno 17.septembra, 2022.godine u 13:00 sati, u prostorijama Međunarodne galerije portreta Tuzla .
Stručni žiri će, na otvaranju festivala proglasiti pobjednike i dobitnike nagrada.
Izložba ostaje otvorena za posjete do 17.novembra, 2022.godine.
Ulaz je slobodan. Dobrodošli! 🎨🖌️🎨
The opening ceremony of the 18. International biennal festival of portraits, INTERBIFEP, will be held on september 17, 2022 at 1 pm, in the International gallery of portraits.
Professional jury will pronounce the winners of the rewards at the opening ceremony.
The exhibition remains open for visitors until november 17, 2022.
The entry is free. Welcome! 🎨🖌️🎨