Javna ustanova Centar za kulturu Tuzla organizuje 17. INTERBIFEP, Internacionalni bienalni festival portreta, Tuzla 2018, Bosna i Hercegovina, koji će biti održan u periodu od 17. septembra, 2018.godine do 02.novembra, 2018.godine. Na ovogodišnjem 17. INTERBIFEP-u, posjetioci i ljubitelji likovne umjetnosti imat će priliku uživati u djelima 163 umjetnika iz 43 države svijeta, a Tuzla i Bosna i Hercegovina, ponovo će zauzeti vodeće mjesto u oblasti portretnog stvaralaštva. Zatvaranje 17. INTERBIFEP-a planirano je za 02.novembar, 2018.godine.
Članovi žirija ovogodišnjeg INTERBIFEP-a su: Ismar Mujezinović, Saša Bukvić i Miran Šabić.
Svečano otvaranje 17.INTERBIFEP-a biće upriličeno u ponedjeljak, 17.septembra, 2018.godine u 20:00 sati, u Međunarodnoj galeriji portreta Tuzla, kada će između ostalog biti proglašeni i nagrađeni autori.
INTERBIFEP je međunarodni festival portretnog stvaralaštva u oblasti crteža, grafike, fotografije i video art portreta, uz uvažavanje svih individualnih sklonosti autora i stilskih pravaca u savremenoj likovnoj umjetnosti.
Public institution „The Center of culture“ Tuzla presents the 17-th INTERBIFEP, International Biennial Festival of Portrait Tuzla 2018, Bosnia and Herzegowina, which will be hold from September 17-th, 2018. until November 2-nd, 2018. In this, 17-th INTERBIFEP, visitors and visual art lovers wil have an opportunity to enjoy in art works of 163 artists from 43 countries of the world, and Tuzla and Bosnia and Herzegowina, will take principal place in the area of the portrait artistic creation. Closing of the 17-tf INTERBIFEP is planned for November 2-nd, 2018.
Panelists of this 17-th INTERBIFEP are: Ismar Mujezinović, Saša Bukvić and Miran Šabić.
Sacramentaly opening of 17-th INTERBIFEP will be presented on Monday, September 17-th, 2018. in 8:00 o’clock pm, in The International Portrait Gallery Tuzla, when the awarded participants will be declared, within other planned programme.
INTERBIFEP is the international festival of portrait artistic creation in the domain of drawings, graphics, photography and video-art portraits, with appreciation of all individual author inclinations and styles formations in conteporary visual arts.